Ansel 623-242-4171
8217 S. 132nd Avenue
Goodyear, AZ 85338
My Steel Pans
My Steel Pans begin with brand new special-order 55 gallon steel barrels with 22 1/2" diameter and length of 32". They are 18 gauge clear (no embossing or holes!) tops and bottoms and 20 gauge sides. Bass pans are made from a barrel with an open bottom with a finished rolled edge.
As a Steel Pan Craftsman I have concentrated my efforts on providing quality instruments, accessories and services for schools and groups that work with young people such as the Boys and Girls Clubs and youth development organizations. My instruments can stand up to the every day, multiple-classes-per-day, and introduction-of-new-students-to-the-instruments routines found in such institutions. It is a well known fact that if a product has a weakness, the middle school aged child with find it. If you are worried about the longevity of your steel pan purchase, look no further! I have pans that have been with organizations since 1984, providing thousands of children with the unique and joyful music of the Steel Pan.
To the left you will find a list of the eight different types of Steel Pan that I build which will provide the five basic musical voices (soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, and bass) and provide texture and timbre diversity necessary to fill out an ensemble of steel pan instruments.
I know through my work in providing instruments for schools and other institutions who work with young people that budget concerns are real. You will be most happy to find that I provide an excellent value Starter Set of Steel Pans. Be sure to compare!
Click on our products Tab for more information.